Non-Binary Pals Group

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - Thursday, March 2, 2023 Spice of Life, London

A friendly group of enbies who have monthly socials at the pub and meet up for other fun activities. Find your genderqueer community here!


Our lil non-binary group has monthly informal socials at the Spice of Life in Soho on the first Thursday every month from 7:30pm onwards. There are no structure to these socials, just a friendly trip to the pub!

Feel free to come along on your own or with friends if you identify as non-binary, even if you are in the early days of your gender journey, we are a non-judgemental group and here to support! Plenty of people come alone and the group is fairly new so we are very open to new enby faces :)

Book Ticket here