LGBTQ+ Peer Carers Group

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Edinburgh

 An information session for LGBTQ+ carers to find out about grants, benefits and services that can support them


Our Peer Carers Group is a partnership between LGBT Health & Wellbeing and the Carewell Health and Wellbeing Partnership to offer a space for LGBTQ+ carers to get practical, emotional and peer support.

Y ou can join to learn about your rights, find support available from local authorities, explore ways to look after your wellbeing and connect with a community of LGBTQ+ carers.

We know now can be a difficult time for carers financially, and so t his session will focus on financial support. We are working together with Vocal to share information about welfare benefits and small grant provision. We will also share information about services that can support carers around energy, food and debt.

This will also be a good opportunity to meet, chat and come together with other LGBTQ+ unpaid carers.

Who is a carer?

A carer is anyone who cares for someone outside of work (unpaid). This could be a partner, family member, friend or neighbour with an illness, chronic condition, disability, mental health problem or addiction. This also includes parents or guardians of children. Most carers do not see themselves as carers but if you look after someone who couldn't cope without your support, then you are carer. We know being a carer is challenging and so it's important for carers to get the support that they need so they can look after themselves whilst looking after someone.

Who we welcome?

Anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community in Edinburgh (or travelling to Edinburgh) is welcome to join us.

We welcome the entire diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community including non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. This includes those who are questioning or exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Spaces are limited so we need you to register in advance. The capacity of this event is 25 people to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

Bookings are for 1 person, not households or bubbles. Even if you and a friend or partner share an email address, you must make one booking per person.

If something changes and you can no longer attend the meetup, please let us know as soon as you can so your booking becomes available for someone else.