Absent Voices from the LGBTQ+ Movement

Sunday, May 21, 2023 Online Event

While activism in the LGBTQ+ rights movement has never been stronger and louder, the movement is lacking a diverse range of voices.

As any group of individuals, LGBTQ+ people are intersectional beings and to be a truly inclusive and liberating movement, there needs to be an uplifting of LGBTQ+ people and voices from all different backgrounds, especially those at the margins – including people of colour, disabled people, trans people and others.

It’s also important for those in the community who hold more privilege and power to ally those who don’t to create space for them to be seen and heard.

This webinar is hosted by Ariel Chapman, I&D expert from Inclusive Employers.

Ariel is highly skilled and passionate Senior Inclusion and Diversity Consultant with Inclusive Employers, a writer and a podcaster. He works with organisations to provide training solutions, consultancy and research to support their inclusion journeys. Find out more about Ariel.

What will you learn

  • What is intersectionality in the LGBTQ+ community and why is it important?
  • What the current LGBTQ+ movement looks like
  • How we can create a truly inclusive and liberating LGBTQ+ rights movement
  • Voices and activists we can be supporting and uplifting

Who is this for?

  • Level – Beginner
  • Whole staff team

Related Awareness Event

LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Book Ticket here

Book Your Place

  • If you are an Inclusive Employers Member please log in to access your five free places.
  • In-house training is available for this and many other inclusion topics. Get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss your requirements.
  • If you have any questions about this event or have any accessibility requirements, contact events@inclusiveemployers.co.uk.
  • Please note: we do not typically supply recordings or slides for our webinars.